The Hotel Helen is located only some steps from the beach and the sea, at a very quiet position. The hotel is run by the owner themselves and they help you to have an unforgettable and relaxing holiday with their friendliness and their hospitality. The hotel offers every comfort to their guests, even a lighted and fenced private parking ground.
Offered services:
Air-conditioned in dining-roomElevatorBarBikeCredit CardCentraltresorBreakfast buffetGames for childrenParkingSwimming poolRestaurantTV roomPrivate beachTV with satellite receptionHair-drierRoom with shower/bathRoom with safeFrigo-barHeatingDirect dial telephoneRoom with telephoneRoom with TVHydro-massage-tubAir conditioning in roomWI-FI
Fill out the form below to request information directly to this structure. Recall that this is just a request for information and as such should not be considered as a reservation.
via Milano, 8 - Caorle (VE) - Tel : 39 0421 81355 - GO TO WEBSITE srl | P.I., C.F. e R.I. di Ve 04563480278
Cap. soc. int. vers. € 10.000,00 - REA VE-427932